Cancer Physical Therapy
Cancer treatments can cause lasting side effects such as joint pain, lymphedema, and fatigue.
These treatment-related symptoms may make daily activities difficult and painful.
Physical therapy can help alleviate symptoms and improve your quality of life. Our experienced,
compassionate physical therapists come alongside you to help you gain strength and find relief.
Cancer Rehab from Certified Therapists
Our team includes therapists specializing in oncology, lymphedema, and other cancer-related
conditions. We have the knowledge and expertise to safely and effectively treat patients
currently receiving cancer treatment or well into survivorship.
Manage Cancer Treatment Side Effects
Our cancer rehab services help you effectively manage and improve the side effects of cancer
treatments. We are here to help you find relief from the symptoms that may be impacting your
daily life, including:
Cancer treatments can cause lymph fluid to build up in the body, especially in the limbs. This
disruption in the flow of lymph fluid causes swelling, which can impact your mobility and quality
of life. Our therapists use compression, manual massage, and personalized exercises to help the
lymph fluid drain and reduce swelling.
Axillary cording
After breast cancer surgery, some people experience axillary cording or Axillary Web Syndrome
(AWS). Tissues in the arm harden, looking like cords. The cording may be seen in the underarm
area, extend down to the elbow, and become stiff and painful. We use massage, tailored
stretches, and manual therapy to improve mobility and reduce pain.
Radiation fibrosis
Radiation fibrosis, sometimes called Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome, can occur during or after
radiation therapy. Scar tissue forms in and around the treatment area, causing stiffness,
discomfort, and mobility challenges. Our team provides you with resources and personalized
exercises to improve your range of motion and decrease discomfort.
Chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy
Chemotherapy treatments can cause nerve damage, called chemo-induced peripheral
neuropathy (CIPN). Nerve damage may affect mobility and independence. We help you manage
CIPN with a tailored exercise program that helps you gain strength, increase blood flow, and
improve your balance.
What to Expect During a Cancer Physical Therapy Session
We take a personalized, collaborative approach to cancer physical therapy. Our staff is a part of
your care team — here to optimize your healing.
You can expect one of our skilled physical therapists to evaluate your condition thoroughly. We
listen to your symptoms and concerns and craft a cancer rehab plan that’s right for you. Your
treatment plan may include:
- Exercises and stretches
- Manual therapy techniques
- Symptom management
- Self-care strategies
We track your progress with routine assessments and goal setting. Goals we may work toward
- Increased range of motion
- Decreased pain, stiffness, and swelling
- Gained independence with daily activities
- Improved balance and strength
Schedule an Appointment at Wichita’s Physical Therapy By Phoenix
Our team of experts is here to support your healing. We combine proven techniques and
personalized treatments to help you manage cancer treatment side effects. Call today to
schedule a consultation with one of our skilled physical therapists.