How Long Should You Go to Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy can be very beneficial for those recovering from an injury. But how long should you go to physical therapy?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of time required in physical therapy will vary depending on the individual’s situation and goals. Read on to know what factors affect how long someone might need to be in physical therapy.

1) The Severity of the Injury

Physical therapy can help with injuries like:

  • A Broken Bone
  • Torn Ligament
  • Recovery From Surgery

The more severe the injury, the longer you will need to go to physical therapy.

If you have a milder injury, you may only need to go to physical therapy for a few weeks. However, if you have a more severe injury, you may need to go to physical therapy for several months.

2) The Type of Injury

Many different types of injuries can be helped by Physical Therapy by Phoenix. Some common injuries include:

  • Shoulder Impingement
  • Rotator Cuff Tears
  • Labral Tears
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Knee Ligament Sprains

Each type of injury has its unique healing process. Depending on the severity of the injury, some may heal faster than others.

For example, shoulder impingement is a relatively minor injury that can often heal within a few weeks of physical therapy. On the other hand, Achilles tendonitis involves the rupture of a large tendon and can take several months to heal.

3) Whether Was Surgery Required?

Surgery will always require a longer PT commitment than if you were able to avoid an operation.

Recovery times following surgery can vary for each individual, so it isn’t easy to give a general answer.

For example, if you have undergone an ACL reconstruction, you can expect to be in PT for approximately six months.

However, if your surgery was a shoulder arthroscopy, your recovery and PT may only last eight to twelve weeks.

4) Your Age

Age significantly affects how quickly your body will respond to PT. For example, a 20-year-old with an ankle sprain will likely heal quicker than a 60-year-old with the same injury. It is because younger people generally have more robust blood flow and collagen production, which are critical for tissue repair.

Our Wichita therapists at Physical Therapy by Phoenix will factor in your age when developing your individualized treatment plan. Exercises may include low-impact activities that put less stress on your joints if you are older.

5) Your Health History

You may need to go to PT for a longer duration when you suffer from underlying health conditions. For instance, if you have diabetes, you may need to see a PT for longer to prevent foot sores and ulcers.

People with a heart attack or stroke often benefit from long-term physical therapy. It may involve treatment like cardiac rehabilitation, a medically supervised program to help people recover from a heart attack or other heart problems.

Other chronic medical conditions like COPD, arthritis, and cancer often require long-term physical therapy.

Our Physical Therapy by Phoenix in Wichita can treat various conditions like neck pain, back pain, joint pain, and more. Our expert therapists will check in with you to see how your pain is progressing and adjust the length of your therapy sessions accordingly.

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