Are Physical Therapists Doctors?

Physical therapy is a branch of medicine that deals with assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients with physical disabilities. Physical therapists are health care professionals who provide services to patients to help them regain movement and function.

There is a lot of debate on whether physical therapists are doctors. The main argument is that physical therapists do not have medical degrees; therefore, they are not doctors. However, many arguments support the idea that physical therapists are indeed doctors.

Read on to know who is a physical therapist in Wichita and how can you become one.

Who Is a Physical Therapist and What Do They Do?

Physical therapists are healthcare professionals who help patients restore and maintain movement and function. They do this by helping to improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or manage illness or injury. PTs work with people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly.

Physical therapists may work in various settings, including hospitals, clinics, schools, sports facilities, and private practices. They may also be self-employed. Regardless of their setting, PTs use their expertise in anatomy and physiology to help their patients recover from injuries or illnesses.

What Are the Types of Physical Therapy?

  1. Orthopedic – It is a type of physical therapy concerned with preventing, diagnosing, and treating disorders and injuries in the musculoskeletal system. It includes bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and nerves.
  2. Sports Physical Therapy – It is a type of physical therapy concerned with preventing and treating injuries related to sports. The main aim of this therapy is to help the patients recover from their injuries and improve their overall performance.
  3. Pediatric – Kids are still growing, and their bones, muscles, and joints are developing. A PT specializing in pediatrics has the knowledge and skills necessary to treat children of all ages, from newborns to adolescents.

How Do You Become a Physical Therapist?

  1. Get a Degree in Physical Therapy from an Accredited University: First, you need to get a degree in physical therapy from an accredited university. A physical therapist must have a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. Many schools offer this program, so finding one that fits your needs should not be too difficult.
  2. Pass the National Physical Therapy Examination: It is the responsibility of every physical therapist to ensure that they are up-to-date on the latest information and techniques by continuing their education. PTs must pass the National Physical Therapy Examination administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy to practice. *To sit for the exam, applicants must have completed a CAPTE-accredited physical therapy program.
  3. Complete a Physical Therapist Residency or Fellowship: Residencies and fellowships typically last one year and are completed after the physical therapist has earned their DPT degree. During these programs, physical therapists treat patients under the supervision of experienced PTs. These programs help new physical therapists learn how to work in several settings, including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and private practices.
  4. Obtain State License: It will help if you are a state-licensed physical therapist because this will give employers the impression that you have met all the requirements to practice physical therapy in that state.

If you wish to pursue a career in physical therapy, contact our physical therapy by Phoenix. We will help you get the education and training needed to reach your goals.

Can Physical Therapists Diagnose?

Physical therapists are highly-trained professionals who diagnose and treat movement disorders. Many physiotherapists have additional neurology and orthopedics training, allowing them to diagnose a wide range of conditions. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, you must see physical therapy by Phoenix for an evaluation.

What Does a Physical Therapist Do?

A physical therapist (PT) is a healthcare professional who provides services to patients and clients to develop, maintain and restore maximal physical function and movement potential. PTs work with people of all ages, from newborns to the very old, who have functional problems resulting from, for example:

  • injury (e.g., sport, work, motor vehicle)
  • congenital anomalies
  • impairments from chronic disease
  • degenerative processes
  • pain

A physical therapist examines each and develops a plan of care using treatment techniques to promote the ability to move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability. To do this, PTs must be able to diagnose the underlying cause of the patient’s problems.

Types of Diagnosis Physical Therapists Can Do

There are many different types of diagnoses that physical therapists in Wichita can do. These include:

  • Medical Diagnosis: This is the type of diagnosis that most people think of when they think of doctors. Physical therapists can diagnose diseases and disorders and prescribe treatments for them.
  • Functional Diagnosis: This type of diagnosis looks at how well a person functions in everyday life. Physical therapists can assess things like balance, mobility, and strength and recommend improving function.
  • Here are some methods of functional diagnosis:

    • Gait Analysis: This is an assessment of how a person walks. Physical therapists can look at the person’s posture, alignment, and range of motion to identify problems.
    • Postural Analysis: A person with poor posture can lead to pain and other problems. Physical therapists will check the posture and recommend exercises or other treatments to improve it.
    • Range of Motion: This measures how much a person can move their joints. Physical therapists can assess a range of motion and recommend ways to improve it.
    • Diagnostic Testing: It is used to confirm or rule out a diagnosis. Physical therapists can use tests like X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans to diagnose problems.
    • Performance Diagnosis: Physical therapists assess an athlete’s movement and performance. They can identify areas of improvement and advise on ways to improve performance.

    It includes:

    • Biomechanical Analysis: This is the study of how the body moves. Physical therapists in Wichita can use this to assess an athlete’s movement and identify areas that need improvement.
    • Functional Movement Screening: This is a series of tests that assess an athlete’s movement. It can help identify areas of weakness and imbalance.
    • Performance Testing: Here, physical therapists test an athlete’s strength, power, and endurance. It can help identify areas that need improvement.

    Physical therapists can also diagnose injuries. They use a variety of tests to assess pain, range of motion, and muscle strength. They then use this information to diagnose the injury and develop a treatment plan.

    If you think you might have a physical therapy diagnosis, call our physical therapy by Phoenix. Our team of expert physical therapists can provide you with a full range of services to help improve your condition.

    Does Physical Therapy Actually Work?

    When you’re in pain, it’s hard to think about anything else. You might be wondering if physical therapy is the answer for you. You’re not alone – many people are unsure whether or not PT works. Physical therapy involves various treatments and exercises designed to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and prevent or heal injuries. But does it work?

    Read on to understand the science behind physical therapy and how if Physical Therapy by Phoenix can help you achieve your wellness goals.

    What Is Physical Therapy?

    Physical therapy is a medical treatment that helps patients recover from injuries and improve their mobility. Physical therapists use various techniques to help their patients, including exercises, massages, and electrical stimulation.

    Physical Therapy by Phoenix in Wichita can help with several different conditions, including:

    • Arthritis
    • Back pain
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Sciatica

    How Does Physical Therapy Work to Benefit Your Body?

    • Reduce Inflammation and Swelling in the Affected Area – Medical conditions like bursitis, tendinitis, and arthritis often cause pain due to inflammation and swelling in the affected area. Physical therapy can help reduce this inflammation and swelling, which will help reduce the pain. Your physical therapist in Wichita may use things like ice, heat, or electrical stimulation to do this. They may also give you exercises to do that will help reduce the inflammation.
    • Improve Range of Motion and Movement – Movement is how we use our range of motion. When we have a good range of motion, we can move freely and without pain. However, when the range of motion is limited, it can lead to pain and decreased mobility. Physical therapy by Phoenix can help improve both ranges of motion and movement. By stretching and strengthening the muscles and joints, physical therapists can help increase a person’s range of motion. It, in turn, can help improve movement.
    • Increase Muscle Strength and Tone – Patients with arthritis often have weak muscles surrounding the affected joint. It can be due to inactivity or disuse, as well as the condition itself. Chronic pain therapy can help these patients by increasing muscle strength and tone through various exercises. Some of these exercises may include using resistance bands or weights and body-weight exercises such as squats, lunges, and calf raises.
    • Help with Balance and Coordination – Wichita’s Physical Therapy by Phoenix can also help improve balance and coordination, which can be impaired in patients with arthritis. It is important because falls are a leading cause of injury in older adults. Balance exercises may include standing on one leg or walking heel to toe. Coordination exercises may involve throwing and catching a ball or hula hoop.
    • Improve Posture and Alignment – Posture is the position in which you hold your body while standing, sitting, or lying down. Poor posture can lead to several health problems, including back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Physical therapists can help improve your posture and alignment by teaching you exercises that strengthen the muscles that support your spine.

    If you suffer from pain in your joints or muscles and live in or around Wichita, you may be wondering if Physical Therapy by Phoenix can help. Yes! Our expert therapists will work with you to find the source of your pain and help you find relief.

    How Long Is a Physical Therapy Session?

    Physical therapy is a vital part of the healing process for many injuries and conditions. It involves working with a physical therapist to regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion. But how long are physical therapy sessions?

    The length of physical therapy sessions can vary depending on multiple factors like the severity of the injury, the type of therapy, and the patient’s goals. Read on to understand how long one session of Physical Therapy by Phoenix lasts and how it works for different medical conditions.

    What Happens During the First Visit?

    Most new patients come in for an initial evaluation. It is a chance for the therapist to assess your condition and develop a treatment plan. The first visit usually lasts about an hour. You will fill out paperwork during this time, and the therapist will ask questions about your injury or pain. They will also perform a physical examination.

    The assessment involves:

    • A review of your symptoms, medical history, and current medications
    • A physical examination
    • Testing your range of motion, flexibility, strength, and endurance
    • Specialized tests to assess your condition further

    After the assessment is complete, Physical Therapy by Phoenix therapists will develop a treatment plan. It will be discussed with you at the end of the visit.

    Treatment may involve:

    • Hands-on techniques to reduce pain and promote healing
    • Exercise to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion
    • Education on how to prevent injury and manage your condition

    Calculating all of these assessments, the first session will be for an hour to an hour and a half.

    How Long Do Therapy Sessions Last?

    The average therapy session lasts around 45 minutes to an hour. However, the length of each session can vary depending on the type of therapy being performed and the patient’s individual needs. Some types of therapy may require longer sessions, while others may only need a few minutes.

    Some methods are:

    1) Manual Therapy: This therapy involves the therapist using their hands to manipulate the muscles and tissues. Manual therapy in Wichita can be used to relieve pain, increase the range of motion, and improve circulation.

    Manual therapy sessions usually last 30-60 minutes.

    2) Dry Needling Therapy: It involves the placement of thin needles into the skin and muscles to help relieve pain. Dry needling is usually done in short, 15 to 20-minute sessions. It helps with medical conditions like:

    • Tension headaches
    • Migraines
    • Chronic pain
    • Muscle spasms

    Dry needling can be done as often as once a week or as little as once a month. It all depends on your individual needs.

    3) Rehabilitation for Ortho and Neurological Conditions

    These include but are not limited to:

    • arthritis
    • joint replacement surgery
    • back and neck pain
    • strokes
    • head injuries

    A physical therapist in Wichita will likely see patients for 30 to 60 minutes at a time, two to three times per week. The number of sessions and duration will depend on the severity of the treated condition. For example, someone with a stroke may need daily sessions that last 90 minutes each, while someone with arthritis only needs weekly 30-minute sessions.

    Physical therapy by Phoenix in Wichita will help you achieve your fitness goals. We will design a workout routine according to your body type and needs.

    How Long Should You Go to Physical Therapy?

    Physical therapy can be very beneficial for those recovering from an injury. But how long should you go to physical therapy?

    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of time required in physical therapy will vary depending on the individual’s situation and goals. Read on to know what factors affect how long someone might need to be in physical therapy.

    1) The Severity of the Injury

    Physical therapy can help with injuries like:

    • A Broken Bone
    • Torn Ligament
    • Recovery From Surgery

    The more severe the injury, the longer you will need to go to physical therapy.

    If you have a milder injury, you may only need to go to physical therapy for a few weeks. However, if you have a more severe injury, you may need to go to physical therapy for several months.

    2) The Type of Injury

    Many different types of injuries can be helped by Physical Therapy by Phoenix. Some common injuries include:

    • Shoulder Impingement
    • Rotator Cuff Tears
    • Labral Tears
    • Achilles Tendonitis
    • Knee Ligament Sprains

    Each type of injury has its unique healing process. Depending on the severity of the injury, some may heal faster than others.

    For example, shoulder impingement is a relatively minor injury that can often heal within a few weeks of physical therapy. On the other hand, Achilles tendonitis involves the rupture of a large tendon and can take several months to heal.

    3) Whether Was Surgery Required?

    Surgery will always require a longer PT commitment than if you were able to avoid an operation.

    Recovery times following surgery can vary for each individual, so it isn’t easy to give a general answer.

    For example, if you have undergone an ACL reconstruction, you can expect to be in PT for approximately six months.

    However, if your surgery was a shoulder arthroscopy, your recovery and PT may only last eight to twelve weeks.

    4) Your Age

    Age significantly affects how quickly your body will respond to PT. For example, a 20-year-old with an ankle sprain will likely heal quicker than a 60-year-old with the same injury. It is because younger people generally have more robust blood flow and collagen production, which are critical for tissue repair.

    Our Wichita therapists at Physical Therapy by Phoenix will factor in your age when developing your individualized treatment plan. Exercises may include low-impact activities that put less stress on your joints if you are older.

    5) Your Health History

    You may need to go to PT for a longer duration when you suffer from underlying health conditions. For instance, if you have diabetes, you may need to see a PT for longer to prevent foot sores and ulcers.

    People with a heart attack or stroke often benefit from long-term physical therapy. It may involve treatment like cardiac rehabilitation, a medically supervised program to help people recover from a heart attack or other heart problems.

    Other chronic medical conditions like COPD, arthritis, and cancer often require long-term physical therapy.

    Our Physical Therapy by Phoenix in Wichita can treat various conditions like neck pain, back pain, joint pain, and more. Our expert therapists will check in with you to see how your pain is progressing and adjust the length of your therapy sessions accordingly.

    Is Being a Physical Therapist Worth It?

    There are a lot of questions that come to mind when you’re considering a career as a physical therapist. Is it worth the investment? Will I be able to find a job? What will my salary be like? Here are a few things to consider if you’re considering becoming a physical therapist.

    What Is a Physical Therapist?

    A physical therapist (PT) in Wichita is a healthcare professional who provides services to patients and clients to develop, maintain and restore maximal physical function and movement. To become a PT, you should have a bachelor’s degree in physical therapy from an accredited institution. You will also need to pass a state licensing exam.

    The job outlook for PTs is favorable. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment of PTs will grow 22 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the average for all occupations. The demand for PTs is driven by the aging baby-boom population, who live longer and stay active later in life.

    There are many different settings in which PTs practice, including hospitals, outpatient clinics, private practices, home health agencies, nursing homes, schools, and industrial workplaces. PTs may also work in fitness centers or provide consulting services to businesses.

    What Does a Physical Therapist Do?

    The main goal of Wichita’s Physical Therapy by Phoenix is to alleviate pain and improve or restore function lost due to injury, illness, or other conditions. To achieve this, PTs use a variety of techniques, including:

    • Exercise
    • Manual therapy (massage, mobilization, and manipulation)
    • Electrical stimulation
    • Heat and cold therapy
    • Hydrotherapy (water therapy)

    What Makes It Worth It?

    Here are some reasons why you should consider becoming a physical therapist:

    • You Can Make a Difference in People’s Lives – Physical therapists at Wichita help people improve their quality of life. They work with patients who have been injured or who have chronic conditions that limit their ability to move and function normally. Physical therapy can help these patients regain strength and mobility and return to their everyday activities.
    • You Can Have a Flexible Career – Physical therapists can work in various settings, including hospitals, outpatient clinics, nursing homes, and private practices. This flexibility allows you to choose the setting that best suits your needs and lifestyle. Additionally, many physical therapists specialize in a particular area, such as orthopedics, sports medicine, or geriatrics. It allows you to focus your career on the type of patients and conditions that interest you the most.
    • You Can Earn a Good Salary – Physical therapists in Wichita are well-compensated for their work. The median annual salary for physical therapists is over $80,000. Experienced physical therapists can earn even more than that. So, if you’re looking for a challenging and rewarding career that can provide you with financial security, physical therapy is worth considering.
    • Shorter Education Time – One of the main reasons people choose to become PTs is because the education process is shorter than becoming a doctor. Hence, you can start working and earning money earlier on in your career.

    If you wish to become a physical therapist, contact Physical Therapy by Phoenix in Wichita, our elite physical therapists will help determine if physical therapy is the career choice for you.